Albert's Card

Take your shoes off, stay a while!


This is my card. I will use this as a bit of an introduction to myself. Here are some interesting details about me.
- I love animals
- I play roblox, and own my own roblox group.
- I am 5'10, I do band and track.
- I am a Freshmen in highschool.

What do I do in band?

As of now, I play 1 main instruments:
- I march Clarinet for marching band
- I would consider myself a very good Clarinet player.
- I never really wanted to play clarinet, I would've rather played baritone
I play some other things on the side, and I would say I'm pretty good at them, but I primarily play clarinet.

What do I do in track?

  • I enjoy running medium distances. This includes 200 meter relay, and 400 meter dash. I ran some other stuff, but those are. What I did best. I never really places, but we always did good. Some of my best memories are from track, and I enjoy it very much.


Here is a link to my linktree account, which will give you a list off all my accounts.

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